Marketing - Kenyan Style
Mudzini School is slated to open in September. We will be bringing in sponsored students from the Kikambala area, and of course, the Mudzini girls and fee paying students from the Mombasa area. When we open we will have one class at each grade level from 3 yr. olds up through 8th grade. September is the beginning of the third term of the Kenyan academic calendar. Given this reality, we aren’t sure how many fee paying families will commit to leaving their current school at this point in the year. January marks the beginning of the new academic year, which is a more natural point for intake. Since we will be accepting students from diverse economic backgrounds, and therefore prior academic experience, we are being very intentional about the composition of each class so we can serve each student well. As we know, creating a truly inclusive environment requires a great deal of reflection and intention. We are sincere about this effort and committed to making it work. www.mudzinisch...
Happy Birthday, Mr. Plummer :)Makeda