Engaging In Life In A Different Kind of Way
Engagement…. No, we are not making an upcoming wedding announcement! We both have always attempted to be fully engaged in all aspects of our lives. In Kenya engagement has a whole different meaning. What’s wrong with this picture? Take a close look. These are the control knobs for our oven. Notice that there are no temperature markings. We’ve been told that Kenyan’s don’t do much baking in ovens - rather they use the stove top for many things or an outside charcoal oven. So, making brownies and cookies were exercises in trial and error and vigilant watching and adjusting - on then off then on again then higher then lower and on and off etc . . . Ice cubes? Kenyans aren’ t really fans of ice in drinks. We are. Our freezer came equipped with a mini ice tray which produces ten little cubes of ice each freeze. We searched a few stores for more ice trays. Nope. So we improvised. We purchased two mini bundt baking pans, and now we make the coolest ice in Mombasa! Ice ...